What Might Keep You From Riding A Motorcycle

What Might Keep You From Riding A Motorcycle

Riding a motorcycle can be a really exciting experience for anyone who has never done it before. It can also be a very frightening experience if you're just not cut out for it. Here are some tips that will help you decide whether or not you should be riding a motorcycle.

Inadequate Comfort Level

One test that you can use to help determine if riding a motorcycle is right for you is whether or not you feel comfortable when on the motorcycle. Your comfort level is a very important determining factor because it may give some indication as to how well you are able to learn how to handle the motorcycle. If you are intimidating by it, chances are you are not going to have what it takes to become a skillful driver. Therefore, you probably should not be riding one if you simply cannot get comfortable enough mentally in order to push yourself to becoming a good motorcycle driver.

Fear is often a hard feeling to overcome especially if you have a bad experience that causes that fear in the first place. An unpleasant experience on a motorcycle, regardless of whether or not you are the driver or passenger, can ruin your overall feelings to riding all together. So your comfort level with motorcycling is very important.


Your physical ability to properly handle a motorcycle is another very important obstacle that you have to overcome. If you cannot hold the motorcycle upright or handle it properly when sitting on it or standing next to it, then you could be putting yourself as well as others close to you at risk. If you are not strong enough to maintain control of your motorcycle, then perhaps you might want to think twice about riding one.

Other Physical Limitations

There may be other physical limitations that prevent you from being able to ride a motorcycle safely. You may not have good vision, thus preventing you from being able to see properly. You might not be tall enough to ride a motorcycle. Many motorcycles are made with lower seat heights, but you still might find yourself unable to properly balance a motorcycle because of your height. You may have other physical limitations or handicaps that prevent you from being able to operate a motorcycle. It's up to you to decide whether or not those limitations or handicaps are too great to prevent you from doing so.

Driving Experience

Perhaps you simply do not have the proper experience necessary to drive a motorcycle safely in different situations. This could be due to the fact that you are too young to drive, you have never had experience with this type of vehicle, or many other reasons. A lack of experience can limit one's ability to operate a motorcycle in a manner that doesn't put others in harms way.

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