The Proper Gear for Motocross Racing

The Proper Gear for Motocross Racing

Motocross riding is an incredibly dangerous sport because the riders are going at high speeds and are forced to take jumps which just increase the risk of an accident. But there are stores like POA Racing in the UK which allow riders to buy all of the required motocross kit to protect themselves against anything that might happen.


The helmet is the most important piece of kit because it protects the head and neck from any major impacts. The most important aspect to take into account when purchasing a helmet is the tightness of the helmet. The rider wants to make sure that it’s tight enough so the helmet doesn’t fly off on impact but loose enough so it doesn’t give the rider a headache. It’s advised that Fox motocross helmets are bought in person, but if a helmet is bought online then riders should remember to take accurate measurements of their head.

Body Armour

A rider’s body armour is designed to protect the ribs, the lungs, and the spine from any major injuries. It does this by absorbing most of the shock generated by any major collisions. With body armour riders certainly do get what they pay for and it’s highly recommended that riders avoid paying for the cheaper option here because the difference between a piece of good and a piece of bad body armour can mean the difference between life and death.


“Guards” is a general term for the category of items which will protect other, smaller, areas of the body. Just some of the available guards for riders are described here:

Gloves are designed to make sure that the rider’s skin isn’t damaged by any flying debris. They will also protect against road rash and can be picked up at most stores as part of one’s motocross kit.

Elbow and knee pads. These are designed to protect against any scrapes, scratches, and broken bones. However, it should be noted that certain veteran riders do choose to avoid these pads because they add extra bulk to the rider, which means that the rider is going to go slower. But this is not recommended for beginner or intermediate riders because these types of riders are at a much higher risk of experiencing an accident.

Shin guards are used for protecting the shins against any skin damage, and they can protect against broken bones too. But these are unnecessary if the rider is using a pair of proper riding boots. Proper riding boots will always cover the shins as well as the feet and ankles which make shin guards unnecessary.

Goggles, whilst they are not strictly guards, they do protect the eyes against any flying debris. This is imperative if there’s a crash because it will protect against any blindness caused by flying metal and dirt.

All of these guards can be bought from any reputable motocross kit shop like POA Racing. Many of these shops will also have online shops so riders can browse the range of products on offer before they go to the store in person, if they so desire.

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