The Harley-Davidson brand

The Harley-Davidson brand

Harley-Davidson is for many the epitome of motorcycle cool and that’s regardless of whether they ride themselves or not.  These are the bikes used by everyone from motorcycle gangs to wealthy middle-aged men and women. These are style icons in themselves and many of them are heavily customized to suit the needs of the individual rider. And in addition to the actual bikes themselves, Harley-Davidson also sells bike equipment and merchandise such as t-shirts and accessories thus making this cool brand more accessible to everyone.

Harley-Davidson is an American brand founded back in 1903 and they mainly sell heavyweight motorcycles designed for highway or country road cruising. The bikes tend to be heavily customized and people who ride Harley-Davidson bikes are usually members of a local riders club and although some are so-called ‘motorcycle gangs’, most are local clubs with people who love to ride, tinker and talk.  Previously the average Harley-Davidson owner was under 35 years old, now the average age is just above 46 underlining that these bikes are no longer associated with criminal gangs. As a curiosity many American police forces use Harley-Davidson as their bike of choice.Harley-Davidson is an American brand founded back in 1903 and they mainly sell heavyweight motorcycles designed for highway or country road cruising. The bikes tend to be heavily customized and people who ride Harley-Davidson bikes are usually members of a local riders club and although some are so-called ‘motorcycle gangs’, most are local clubs with people who love to ride, tinker and talk.  Previously the average Harley-Davidson owner was under 35 years old, now the average age is just above 46 underlining that these bikes are no longer associated with criminal gangs. As a curiosity many American police forces use Harley-Davidson as their bike of choice.

Currently Harley-Davidson operates with 5 different model designations. First of all there’s the Sportster which comes in two engine sizes, the 883 cc and the 1200 cc, then there are the Dyna and the Softail which both have big twin-engines. There’s also the Touring models and the VRSC models, the latter using the Revolution engine. These designations then fall into five model families called Sportster, Dyna, Softail, Touring and Vrod and they’re distinguished by frame, engine, suspensions and various other characteristics so that any potential Harley –Davidson customer can get just the bike they want.

The Harley Owners Group was established back in 1983 to help cement loyalty amongst Harley owners and enthusiasts and as these groups are now international they can be found everywhere, including somewhere like Preston. Harley Davidson owners who are also Harley Owner Group members typically spend 30 % more money on merchandise and events than owners who are not members thus being a testament to the fact that belonging seem to be important in motorcycle groups like these.


Please continue reading here: Preston. Harley Davidson

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