The Easiest Way To Clear Dirt Bike Trails With Cheap Tools

The Easiest Way To Clear Dirt Bike Trails With Cheap Tools

For many people, clearing a section of dirt bike trails is tedious work because they have to move or cut out of the way many times. This article will show you the easiest way to do it with cheap tools.


It took a long time and many wasted hours of trying to figure out what routine works best when clearing a section of trails, but I finally figured it out. I was too picky in the early stages of making dirt bike trails because I was trying to get rid of all the sticks on the ground, as well as RAKING LEAVES!!! That's right, I actually raked leaves. I cannot believe how many hours I wasted trying to rake every last leaf off of the trail just so I could see dirt! That wouldn't fly, so I quit raking my time away...


Once you made a layout for your trails, the first thing you should do is clear the big stuff. Use a Hand Saw/Bow Saw to cut down trees that are up to about 5" (13cm) in diameter that are in the way. If they are much bigger then the easiest thing to do is go around them if you don't have bigger equipment. Next thing is to get rid off any hanging or fallen branches that you don't want on the trail. Move them to the side of the trail, use them as a border, or make an obstacle out of them. That goes for fallen trees as well.


After you get the big stuff out of the way it might be time to get out the dirt scooter. Ride over the trails to see how it is. Be prepared to make adjustments because you will often miss things. Different climates call for different actions. Where I live the main problem I have after clearing the big things in the trail is thorns and weeds. I find that it works the best to trim them just enough so that you can ride through the trails without getting too scraped up. The thorns in our woods can get really thick and tall, so I sometimes have to spend a whole day going through a section trimming them.


That's it for now. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to comment. So until next time, go out and start clearing some dirt bike trails!

- Tom Stark

P.S. View the official article on Motocross Hideout Here: Clear Dirtbike Trails

A tool/toy you'll want for the trails and on the road:

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