Motorcycle Riding Safety Part 1

Motorcycle Riding Safety Part 1

Even though motorcycle accidents share similarities when it comes to traffic accidents, motorcycle accidents are typically far more severe than that of car or truck accidents. To help keep you safe, read up on some of these great motorcycle safety tips.

For When you’re On the Road

• When it comes to safe riding in traffic you should always: scan your surroundings for potential hazards, make it a point to evaluate any possible hazards, and be sure to execute the appropriate action in order for you to avoid the hazard.

• Make it a point to be seen by other drivers by: using your headlamps day or night, wearing bright colored clothing and using your signal. You can also use your horn to make those around you aware of you or to make drivers aware of what they are doing. Your bike should also be positioned in a manner that makes it easily visible.

• Always keep your eyes on the move by making sure that you can see other drivers and that they can see you. If you do not, you might not notice a potential danger.

• When it comes to riding in traffic where you are traveling under 40 mph, be sure to maintain a two-second gap between you and the car in front of you.

• If you are traveling on an open road at higher speeds, the gap should be more than three, four or more seconds, depending on your speed.

• Intersections are one of the most dangerous areas. Make it a point to double check for traffic coming from both the side and from behind.

• When it comes to passing, be sure that you are two or more seconds behind the vehicle you wish to pass. Make sure you double check your blind spot with your head and avoid trying to overtake another vehicle if a corner is creeping up.

• When it comes to night riding, be sure that you are aware that riding at dusk is typically the most dangerous time to ride due to your eyes adjusting from daylight to headlights. As it grows darker out, the distance been you and the vehicle that is in front of you becomes even more important than before. Finally, make it a point to wear a clear face shield that does not have any scratches.

If you or someone you know has been injured in a motorcycle accident, contact a specialized Temecula motorcycle injury lawyer at Sweeney, Sweeney & Sweeney. It is important that you get the right advice from an experienced Riverside County motorcycle injury lawyer in order to help you gather facts and information pertinent to your case.

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