Know About Your Riding Gear

Know About Your Riding Gear

When it comes to horse accessories, their world of luxury goes much beyond Saddlepads, often termed as 'numnahs'. If you are a seasoned horse rider, you may already know how to pamper your horse better in all likelihood. There is a wonderful range of horse accessories you can buy from a relevant online store. Let's learn what all you can buy to make horse riding an even smoother experience, both for you and your darling horse.

Any riding gear, be it half Numnahs or any other horse accessory, should seek to increase the comfort level of your horse or pony; thereby, converting horse riding a cake walk for you too. Therefore, it is urgent to know your horse better. Know whether it has a sensitive back; is it aging; or does it get nervous or excited too quickly?

In case your horse or pony is new to being ridden, it may be easily excitable. Some horses can also be so by their very basic nature. In such cases, you can get it a pair of wool ear plugs that will help immensely and keep tension at bay.

Leg wraps are useful, if your horse has a leg problem. They are also beneficial to wrap up the legs of your horse/ pony just after a wash or while travelling. You can easily find machine-washable leg wraps online and keep the legs of your horse/ pony both comfortable and clean.

Saddlepads for any horse/ pony should be sweat wicking, cushioning and shock absorbing. In case, you like it less bulky yet comfortable, go for half Numnahs. They not only look good, but are also easier to maintain. Irrespective of whether your numnah is fully-lined or partly cushioned, it should be easy to wash and durable to ensure value for money.

For withered horses, you would need specialized anti-slip numnahs and half numnahs. Saddlepads with pockets and competition number pads are a craze with those who like it more interesting. You can also order bespoke numnahs, if you have any specific design in mind. You can get your saddle pad embroidered with a custom message.

Not to mention, when it begins to snow, your horse/ pony would need girth sleeves, breastplate covers, nose bands and blinkers.

The article is an effort of the webmaster at ( ) We specialize in manufacturing British made numnahs, saddlepads, Corrective pads, seatsavers, dressage, Half numnahs and horse accessories meeting to a wide range of specifications.

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