Importance Of Dirt Bike Gloves And Apparel

Importance Of Dirt Bike Gloves And Apparel
Don't you just hate it when you come back from a great ride and your hands are killing you? There's really nothing to discourage your from getting into dirt bike riding than hurt hands. You can usually remedy this by having the right dirt bike apparel, namely the right gloves.

There is a neat little trick I like to use that, as it turns out, a lot of people don't know about. One of the biggest problems I had with gloves was finding the right ones that fit me. I have slightly extended range of motion in my hands and fingers (thanks to breaking all of my fingers a few times), and so finding a pair of gloves that do not restrict my (un)natural range of motion can be challenging. Most of the time I had to go with gloves that were too big, which in turn ended up causing blisters that I just didn't want to deal with.

One day I was down at my local Honda dirt bike parts shop and I had an interesting thought: what if I had a second layer under my gloves to protect my hands from blisters? Since blisters are formed by friction against the skin, I figured if I wore a pair of latex gloves, like the ones dentists and doctors' use, I should be fine. Therefore, I picked up a box and tried it out, and just like that, my blisters were gone. Now I had gloves that did not restrict my range of motion and did not leave any blisters.

Another benefit to doing this that I found was my hands stayed warmer when riding in cold weather. As it turns out that extra layer is perfect for insulating and keeping your hands from turning into ice. One of my friends, who works at the Yamaha dirt bike parts shop a few town over, was so impressed by the concept that he started carrying boxes of the stuff at his shop. Who would have known that something so simple could have gone overlooked for so long?

For more information on how you can get all the dirt bike apparel, Honda dirt bike parts or Yamaha dirt bike parts, visit Rez Pony today.

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