How To Choose A Fox Motocross Helmet

How To Choose A Fox Motocross Helmet

Having the ability to choose the right helmet from a vast range of Fox motocross helmets is crucial when it comes to this dangerous sport because it could mean the difference between having fun and having to take a trip to the hospital. There are a wide range of Fox MX helmets on offer, but it's necessary to take into account some general rules when it comes to choosing a helmet. Ideally, all helmets should be checked in person in order to get the best results.

Set a Price Range

It's easy to become bogged down when it comes to price. Due to the fact that the helmet is an imperative piece of safety equipment, Fox motocross helmets are adequate in every price range. Set a budget and stick to it so time and effort is not wasted by fretting over the price of the helmet itself. But remember that attempting to find a helmet at the cheapest price possible is not a wise idea because even though helmets in all price ranges are adequate, the more expensive helmets will have more durability.

Safety Standards

All helmets which have met the safety standards required for use in motocross rating will either be marked by DOT, the organisation which creates the safety standards, or Snell, which is the authority on off-road helmets. Helmets which do meet these safety standards will have a sticker from either of these organisations on the back. If it doesn't have any of these stickers then avoid that helmet without hesitation.


All Fox MX helmets will have generic sizes such as S, M, L, and XL. If the helmet is being purchased online then measurements of the head must be taken and compared with the measurements of each size there. However, if it's being bought in store then try the helmet on. The main thing which should be looked at here is how tight the helmet is. If the helmet is loose then it could easily fly off in an accident and is therefore unsuitable for use. If the helmet is too tight and the rider struggles to put it on and take it off then it could give the rider headaches.

Chin Strap

Make sure that the chin strap is buckled. If it's difficult to buckle then the helmet might be too small, but if the buckle is too easy to buckle then the helmet may be too big. Another check which should always be done is how easily the buckle can come undone. This can be done by sliding the fingers under the buckle and looking to see if it gives way. If it doesn't then that means the helmet won't fly off from the impact of a crash and is therefore safe.

Removable Lining

Always check whether the Fox MX helmets being looked at have removable linings. This is a luxury choice, but if the lining is removable then the helmet will be much easier to clean when it gets dirty and will, inevitably, extend the life of the helmet itself. However, as already mentioned, this is a luxury choice and Fox motocross helmets which do have this lining will be more costly.


Fox motocross helmets and a full range of motocross gear can be purchased at

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