Harley Helmet Fitting

Harley Helmet Fitting

When choosing a Harley Helmets, the fit is absolutely critical to ensure your safety on the road.  The fit of the helmet must be tight and exact to make sure the helmet protects the rider as it was designed.  To get this great fit, you must know the steps involved.

Measure the width of your head:

When you measure the width of your head you want to measure around your eyebrows or even a bit lower if possible.  Depending on the measurement, this will help you decide on which style or type of helmet you can buy.  Harley helmets come with a specification guide that helps you decide the proper helmet that will fit your head in the way it was designed.

To measure:

You want to put a regular measuring tape around your eyebrows and then check the measurement.  This will give you a general idea of what type of helmet to start with.  Since some helmets fit different than others purely because of the style, this will give you a great starting point.  If you are stuck between a larger size and a smaller size, you want to try the larger first.  Keep in mind that even though you might take a particular size in one style, it might be a different size in another style.

Once you measure the width of your head, it is now time to decide what helmet styles you should choose and then start trying on different styles and models to see what fits best.  Below we have a list of steps that will help you find a proper fit.  One you find a measurement of your head, now you decide which styles ensure a proper fit and will provide you with the best protection.

Steps to a proper fit:

Put the helmet on your head and fasten the straps provided to tighten it.  You want to make sure there is no movement when you shift the helmet side to side with your hands.  Now shift your head back and forth and side to side.  Notice if the helmet moves.  There should be no movement at all and the top part of the helmet above your eyebrows.

Once you do the initial fitting described above, with no movement when you shift your head back and forth, it’s time to wear the helmet for at least 15 minutes.  This will make sure the helmet adapts to your head and the foam padding and cushioning form to your head which make it secure to your head.  If you feel any pressure points, the helmet is too small and you should move up to the next size. 

Now it’s necessary to wear the helmet for at least 20 minutes.  This will let the helmet and your head adapt to each other and it will pinpoint if there are any pressure points on your head where it can be too uncomfortable.  If after 20 minutes you feel pressure points on your head, the helmet is too tight and you should go up to the next size.

  The next most important thing is checking your range of vision.  Look left and right, and up and down, this is the next most important thing to the fit.  You of course must be able to see out of the helmet in all angles to ensuring you have great visibility is a must.

John Rinaldi is an avid rectreational motorcycle rider who keeps safety as his number one concern for himself and a passenger. He uses a Harley helmet and loves the safety features each one provides. You can check out his latest website at Harley Helmets where he provides extra information on helmet fitting and also the different Harley Helmet Fitting

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